‘No Pen, No Paper’ is a tool for playing and creating pen and paper role playing games. It is based on a unique and versatile RPG system that allows users to play and create any type of adventure imaginable, be it fantasy, sci-fi, or horror. The game comes with its own dedicated story and setting – the Golden Chronicles.
Articles:  pcgames.de (german)​​​​​​​

'No Pen, No Paper' received one of the three Indie Audience Awards at QUO VADIS during the gamesweekberlin 2018.

Gameplay video for No Pen, No Paper (produced, co-filmed, and edited by me).

No Pen, No Paper – The Project

‘No Pen, No Paper’ is a beginner friendly alternative to traditional pen and paper games. While the features are universal, the quirks, skills, abilities, and items may vary from universe to universe. Players can even create their own content, from items and characters to whole adventures and universes.
‘No Pen, No Paper’ facilitates the genre of pen and paper RPGs, by shifting the focus away from dull, extensive calculations and 500 page rulebooks to fast-paced, undistracted roleplaying. Each player has a phone on which they can access their character sheet and log. The GM leads the heroes through the adventure using a larger device.

Example of a playable character and how they are represented in game.

The first universe created for ‘No Pen, No Paper’ is a fantasy universe called ‘The Golden Chronicles’, telling the story of its inhabitants – the fey, k’thar, and lynx. The first adventure is called ‘Distortion’ and deals with topics such as racism, distortion of public perception, guilt, and forgiveness.

The story is structured in plot points. Plot points are by nature non-linear in content and form. A plot point is not necessarily the result of a previous decision, even though it can be, it mostly signifies the acquisition of new narrative knowledge.

Example of a non-playable character and how they are represented to the GM in game. While the players cannot see the character sheet of other characters - playable or non-playable - in such detail, they have access to a short description and the image.

Example of a non-playable character. Each character has an individual card with an individual description.

Overview of the third part of the adventure’s plot points. Plot points are non-linear in content and form.

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